Daintree regenwoud

Zo'n 80 km ten noorden van Cairns ligt de Daintree river. Deze rivier is alleen over te steken met een enigszins overprijsde ferry (28 dollar retour voor 10 minuten varen), maar het is het meer dan waard want je kunt er overnachten. Na de oversteek ben je in het Daintree nationaal park. Het nationaal park bevind zich aan de kust en is een van de laatste stukjes regenwoud in Australië. In dit park waan je je in en andere wereld. Wij moesten beide denken aan de Bush in de Burgers Zoo waar het ze blijkbaar goed gelukt is om het regenwoud na te maken. Het ruikt raar, er staan andere bomen, het is vochtig, etc. Continue reading →

Rook, pepers en vis!

Onze KLM vogel heeft ons veilig naar Tokyo gebracht! We hebben nog nooit zo'n kort nachtje gehad, een aparte gewaarwording gezien het maar 6 uur donker was. En zijn nog nooit zo dicht bij de noordpool geweest. Een beetje gebroken komen we via de Narita Express aan in hartje Tokyo, nu opzoek naar ons hostel. Continue reading →

Getting Qt5 with OpenGL ES 2.0 support on Raspberry Pi

A while ago I read about the EGLFS  plugin for QT (which is a GUI library). This plugin enable QT to draw directly to the Linux frame buffer. Which is ideal if you are running a GUI application on a embedded (low on resources) device and don't want the overhead of a full blown X11 + window manager desktop. This tutorial will walk you through the compilation and installation of QT5 (5.2 in my case) on a Raspberry Pi.

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M-Audio Keystation 61es with FluidSynth

A while ago I bought an M-Audio Keystation 61es because of it's low price and quite good features and quality. Most people who've bought this keyboard use it like a midi keyboard (which of course it is), but I bought it to learn how to play piano. Although I'm really happy with this keyboard, it doesn't have any integrated speakers so you'll always need to connect it to some kind of computer to generate any audio. M-Audio does give you a version of Ableton Live Lite to hear the tunes you play but this is quite devious if you just want to play some piano. Continue reading →

C#: How to change the color/gamma and brightness

My new tool, EyeLight, is a application which changes the color and brightness of your display based on the time of the day and your location.
So whenever it get dark outside and the main source of light next to your monitor are artificial light sources (which are way less intense than the sun) the intensity of the monitor will also decrease. which should decrease the effect of displays on your sleep. Continue reading →

Finally a new website...

At the moment I've got this domain for 4 years in my possession. But never finished the website I made for this domain initially (story of my life).

But the moment has come. After all these years I finally managed to spend enough time to install WordPress. Which did't take more than 10 minutes I think.

Hopefully you'll be seeing some regular update about the stuff I'm working on like electronics, programming or (when I'm really up to speed) some philosophical questions...